A bit of background
I suppose the best place to start for something like this is the beginning! I've had asthma as long as I can remember, but it never really caused any issues for me as a child - I can only really remember having 2 or 3 courses of steroids up until about age 14 when I stopped inhalers completely, so it really was mild! Fast forward another few years to my third year of university and things went a little downhill to say the least! I spent the best part of a term ignoring (or not being very aware) of my worsening symptoms and although I did go to the GP to get a new inhaler I obviously didn't catch it in time and ended up with my housemates rushing me to A&E while we celebrated Christmas, in the middle of our exam period. It was particularly annoying because despite what various healthcare professionals have thought it was actually the least stressed I had been throughout university up until that point! I'm actually studying medicine at university too, which is good in...