A Rough Month

Current pred dose: 40mg
Current weight: 322lbs

So it hasn't been the best of starts to the new year. A brief 3 day admission a week or so in following a few allergic reactions led to me catching flu (sadly I was unable to have the jab this year due to my ongoing immune issues and a reaction I had last year!) which, whilst I managed to avoid hospital, did completely knock me out for 10 days or so!

My peak flows for this month have looked like a pretty rubbish roller coaster! They've either been at my best, or sat in the red zone at hospital level (ok, so I probably should have been in hospital with the flu, but mentally really couldn't cope with 2 admissions in such quick succession - I did get checked by my GP on day 2 and got some tamiflu though!). So the control I had managed to gain back at the end of last year seems to have vanished once more.

And then just as I was getting over that the temperature dropped! So down goes the peak flow again, ending in me walking in to A&E with a peak flow of 25% of my normal and feeling pretty rubbish just as the month ended! Its been a rough admission, with lots of treatment thrown at me and intensive care considered a couple of times (thankfully not needed!) and things are being pretty slow to pick back up.

Mentally its been pretty tough and I've definitely had some pretty low points this month, but just like all my other admissions, I will get through this and I will be stronger for it!


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